Thursday, March 31, 2011

The overall results

How did you stack?  Lets find out!

This is ranked by total OVERALL battle points including painting scores.

1. Adam T. - 177
2. James B. - 171
3.Tulio W. - 168
4. Kenny B. - 167
5. Rain C. - 156
6. Rob B. - 143
7. Ryan M. - 136
8. Chris G. - 135
9. Rich J. - 129
10. Colin L. - 124
11. Jay - 121
12. Mark P. - 120
13. Mike - 117
14. Vaughn F. - 109
15. Troy M. - 105
16. Scott L. - 97
17. Steve A. - 96
18. Maxx M. - 94
19. Imagine R. - 91
20. Charles E. - 87
21. Mark L. - 85
22. Brodie H. - 84
23. Deevon N. - 78
24. Brian W. - 77
25. Blaine - 72
26. David R. - 70

Congrats again to our winners, I hope this shows how close the whole thing actually was... The top 4 were separated by a single secondary objective...

I am working hard on lining up the Feast of Blades Con in November (4th, 5th, 6th).  Keep an eye out for FoB qualifiers around July-August.


Monday, January 24, 2011


Our blog spot has been moved and can be found at:

Please go there to find our updates and info. Thank you

-Feast of Blades staff 

Saturday, January 22, 2011


We now have a new email that we will ask everyone to use for future general questions and comments regarding F.o.B. Obviously if you want to talk directly to one of us you can use the personal email, but general questions should go to this new email.

Feastofblades at

Thanks everyone, this will allow us to communicate more efficiently with everyone.  

Feast of Blades Staff

Friday, January 21, 2011

Trophies are done!

Here are a couple of pictures for your viewing pleasure! These are the actual trophies we will be giving away for "best overall,""Best General," and "Best painted." The lighting in the bottom pic is a little bad, so I included a second pic to give you a better idea of the color and such. These trophies will be on top of any swag we will be giving away in GW product as well as the most awesome banner.  For an update on the banner run on over to my Buddy Jawaballs' site here.  See you all soon!

Feast of Blades Staff

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

And here it goes!

SO! A few updates and reiterations are in order. IF you were planning on going to Castle Games for the qualifier round, we regret to say that they will no longer be participating. They didn't feel like they could get enough players together to justify it. BUT, Springs players still have the option of Gamer's Haven, and won't be left out.
    The fee for participation is $15. Half of this fee stays at the qualifying round for thier prize pool, and half goes to the finals for thier prize. ALL money collected this way WILL be used to pay for specific tournament needs, such as Awards, Prizes, and nessesities. ( we need to get an additional few tables and terrain for those tables. A big thank you out to the volounteers who are taking time to help keep costs down by making some of that terrain for us!)
    In addition, we have a very exciting item to raffle off at the finals, but for now that's secret (Shhh!). Money from this will go towards investing in next year's Feast of Blades, to make it as awesome as we can possibly make it.
    And just a quick recap of the Tournament format we will be using:
      The feast of Blades qualifiers will be three rounds long. Points are earned for game play, painting skill, and sportsmanship. Each tournament judge will be provided with a tournament packet containing the scenarios and tools they will need. The judge will record the results, and the Feast of Blades staff will invite the top 2 finishers overall to participate in the finals.
     A note on prizes: The prize pool for the qualifiers is going to vary based on the number of players in that tournament. Larger number of player= more loot. The judges on site will be responsible for the equitable division of any prize pool, keeping in mind that part of the prize package for first and second is an invitation and free entry to the finals. Whenever possible, prizes should be awarded to 1st and 2nd overall, Best General, and Best Painted.
     Qualifiers will be held on MArch 5th, at the following Locations:

Fort Collins
 - Gryphon Games
 - Digital Dungeon
 - Stonebridge Games
 - Karliquin Game Knight
 - Total Escape Games
 - Valhallas
 - Bonnie Brae
 - Attactix
 - Colpar Hobbies
 - Collector Mania
Colorado springs
 - Gamers Haven
  If you have any questions, please ask them, or send us an email

 Dragoon 6

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Paint judges

Good news! As we have been getting closer to this thing happening more and more people have been offering to help. As has been broadcast earlier Matt D. Has offered to judge our painting at the finals (matt is a golden daemon winner). Well shortly after Kirk Troy sent us an email offering up the services of the colorado miniature painting alliance. For their of you who don't know these guys are all local to coloardo and have several golden Daemons and multiple slayer swords between them. They will be traveling to the bigger stores to help the TO judge painting for the qualifiers. We are honored to have their help as well as that of Matt.

Not only have we had lots of people offer to help, but many others have offered little things here and there to help get this thing off the ground. Thank you to everyone!

Feast of Blades Staff